Use the report to quickly identify any mismatched transaction statuses between Magento and your Authorize.Net account. After generating the report, you can email the report to anyone and choose to export the report as a CSV or XML file. For each transaction you can compare:

- Magento status vs. Authorize.Net status
- Authorized / Captured amount in Magento vs. Authorize.Net
- Settled / Refunded amount in Magento vs. Authorize.Net


To access the Authorize.Net Settlement Report, please go to System -> IWD Extensions -> Authorize.Net Settlement Report and select the Refresh Now button to see an updated list of transactions


Transaction ID - transaction ID associated with the order

Order ID - order associated with the transaction ID

Status - if 'Good' then all line items match between Magento and Authorize.Net. If 'Bad' then there is a mismatch in data between the two platforms (mismatched data will be shown in red to easily identify)

Date - date order / transaction was generated

Status - current transaction ID status for both Magento and Authorize.Net

Authorized - authorized amount for both Magento and Authorize.Net

Captured - captured amount for both Magento and Authorize.Net

Settled - settled amount for both Magento and Authorize.Net

Refunded - refunded amount for both Magento and Authorize.Net