Follow these simple steps to install the Customer Engagement Suite. 


1. Install Installing IWD_ALL if your store does not already have this extension. Follow steps 2-8 to install IWD_ALL.

2. In your Magento Admin Panel, go to System -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager

3. Login to Magento Connect Manager

4. Select the Choose File button under the ‘Direct package file upload’ section

5. Locate and select the extension file on your computer and click Upload

  • The extension file will be included in your order’s confirmation email
  • You can also download the file by logging into your customer account at IWD Agency and going to My Downloadable Products

6. Click on the Return to Admin button

7. Go to System -> Cache Management and click the Flush Magento Cache button

8. Finally, log-out and log back into your Admin panel to complete the installation process

9. Next, login to your customer account on IWD Agency and click 'My Account' in the top right and sign into your account, then click 'My Account' again to view your Account Dashboard

10. Select 'Questions & Answers' from the left menu

11. Select the 'Settings' tab from the top menu

12. Under the 'Embedded Widget' section, copy the 'Widget ID'

13. In your Magento admin panel, go to System -> Configuration -> Customer Engagement Suite and paste the Widget ID in the 'ID' section under 'Questions & Answers' 

14. Repeat the same steps for Requested Features and Reviews


1. Backup your web directory and store database

2. Install IWD_ALL (download) and extension by uploading both packages to your directory:

  • Note: If you have already installed IWD_ALL then you do not need to install once more

3. In SSH console of your server navigate to your store root folder:

cd path_to_the_store_root_folder

4. Run the following command:
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade

5. Now run the following command:
php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

7. Flush store cache; log out from the backend and log in again

8. Next, login to your customer account on IWD Agency and click 'My Account' in the top right and sign into your account, then click 'My Account' again to view your Account Dashboard

9. Select 'Questions & Answers' from the left menu

10. Select the 'Settings' tab from the top menu

11. Under the 'Embedded Widget' section, copy the 'Widget ID'

12. In your Magento admin panel, go to Store -> Configuration -> Customer Engagement Suite and paste the Widget ID in the 'ID' section under 'Questions & Answers' 

13. Repeat the same steps for Requested Features and Reviews