1. To access the review settings, go to iwdagency.com

2. Click 'Menu' in the top right and then 'My Account' sign into your account

3. Select the 'Reviews' link on the left 

4. Finally, select the 'Settings' tab


Title: This will be the title of the reviews section on your website

Website URL: Enter the website address that your reviews will appear on

Description: Write a short description to appear under the review's title on your website

Company Name: Enter your company
Support Name: The support name you enter will appear on all comments written by admin users

Email From: Enter the email address used to send emails to your customers

Reply To: Enter the email address used to receive email responses from customers

Your Logo: Upload your logo 

Post Sorting: Choose to activate the option for your customers to sort reviews on the product page

Note: If you make a change to any field, be sure to click the 'Save' button in the bottom right corner of this page


System Notifications

1. To receive notification alerts when a user leaves a new review or comment, enable your notifications by checking the box next to 'System Notifications'

2. Under 'Email To,' enter the email address you would like notifications to be sent to. To receive alerts at more than one email address, add another email separated by a comma 

Email To: example@iwdagency.com,example2@iwdagency.com


By checking this box, you agree to have new reviews automatically published to your site without having to be approved by the admin user

Note: If you make a change to any field, be sure to click the 'Save' button in the bottom right corner of this page


Enable Discounts - Activate in order to offer your customers an opportunity to receive a discount code for reviewing your products

Message for Customers -  Enter a message that will be shown to your customers in the email informing them that their review has been approved

Discount Code - Enter the discount code that will be used for your customers. Important: this must be an active discount code in your eCommerce store in order to wor

Discount Amount - Enter the percent discount your customers will receive if their review is approved


1. Download a sample format by clicking 'Download Sample Import' under the file upload text box

2. Use this file as a template for creating your own CSV file with all the reviews you want to import

3. Once your CSV File is complete, click the 'Choose a file to upload' box and select your CSV file from your computer

4. Click 'Upload'

5. Select whether you want your imported reviews to be added to the existing reviews on your site or if you want your new reviews to replace all existing reviews on your site

6. Click 'Import'

7. Click the 'Save' button in the bottom right corner of this page


1. Copy the widget code by clicking the 'Copy Code' button under the code block

2. Paste this code into your site HTML where you'd like your reviews to appear on your website


If you would like to display the total number of reviews, questions, and feature requests at the top of your product page then simply copy and paste the code into your HTML where you'd like to display this information. 


Use this setting to share reviews, questions, and feature requests with products that might be the same.  For example, if Product A and Product B are the same then you can show the same information for both. 

Share Posts from Product - select the product that will be used to pull that data from 

Share Posts to Product - select the product that will receive the shared data