#M2 Address Validation {2.4.3}
- Compatibility with PHP 8.3.1
#M2 Address Validation {2.4.2}
- Compatibility with the new UPS API
#M2 Address Validation {2.4.1}
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.7
#M2 Address Validation {2.4.0}
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
#M2 Address Validation {2.3.0}
- Compatibility with PHP 8
- Minor fixes
#M2 Address Validation {2.2.0}
- Compatibility with Magento version 2.4.3
- The issue when - all fields are filled but the customer is unable to proceed (frontend)
- The "Submit Order" button stops working after address validation. (admin panel)
- Double validation when customer select suggested address. (frontend and admin panel)
#M2 Address Validation {2.1.8}
## Added
- Compatibility with Magento versions up to 2.4.2
- Compatibility with PHP 7.4 and higher
- Updated USPS API URL
- Fix for rare issue with incorrect state detection
#M2 Address Validation {2.1.7}
## Added
- Compatibility with Magento versions up to 2.3.4
#M2 Address Validation {2.1.6}
## Added
- Compatibility with Magento versions 2.2.8 - 2.3.1
#M2 Address Validation {2.1.5}
## Added
- Compatibility with Magento versions 2.2.7-2.3.0
#M2 Address Validation [2.1.4] - 2018-01-31
- Fix of the issue when address validation using Google was not respecting country-specific address formats; optimized for UK and most EU countries
- Fix of the issue when after checkout visit with virtual and non-virtual item, and removing the non-virtual one (order became virtual), address validation for shipping address is being still raised
- Fix of the infinite address validation when using suggested address and after not able to change any field or use next step button
- Fix of the empty validation popup for Admin Checkout with saved address (that blocks order submitting)
#M2 Address Validation [2.1.2] - 2017-07-26
- Compatibility with OPC from IWD
- Fixed dependency with IWD ALL
- Fixed admin order creation issue