How to Change the Search by Radius configuration?

By Default, the Store Locator's search by radius is enabled with some pre-defined values. However, you can turn off or adjust any of the values located here.

Follow these steps to configure the Search by Radius option:

  1.  Access your IWD Agency account
  2. Locate and click IWD Store ->Configurations > Store Filter section
  3. Locate the Search by Radius switch and turn it on and off depending on your preference.
  4. When the Search by Radius is on, you will find a couple more options for you to configure.
    1. Search Metric: Metric system to be displayed; kilometers or miles.
    2. Filter by Radius Option: The filter options in km or miles your store locator will allow your customers to filter.
    3. Default Radius Show: The default kilometer or miles radius your store locator will use.
  5. Click the "Save" button.