Please review transactions behavior below:

Authorize.NET (is not supported in and newer)
Changes made with Order Manager
What happens
authorized amount increases
old transaction becomes voided, new transaction is created instead
authorized amount decreases
nothing changes, but when invoice is created, correct amount is captured
authorized amount stays unchanged
nothing changes
captured amount increases
additional amount is authorized
captured amount decreases
old transaction becomes voided, new transaction is created instead
captured amount stays unchanged
nothing changes
settled amount increases
additional amount is captured
settled amount decreases
costs are refunded in
settled amount stays unchanged
nothing happens


Changes made with Order Manager
What happens
authorized amount increases
old transaction stays unchanged, additional amount is being captured
authorized amount decreases
nothing changes, but when invoice is created, correct amount is captured
authorized amount stays unchanged
nothing happens
captured amount increases
additional amount is captured
captured amount decreases
old transaction becomes voided, new transaction is created instead
captured amount stays unchanged
nothing happens
settled amount increases
additional amount is captured
settled amount decreases
refund is created
settled amount stays unchanged
nothing happens


Changes made with Order Manager
What happens
authorized amount increases
old transaction stays unchanged, additional amount is being captured
authorized amount decreases
nothing changes, but when invoice is created, correct amount is captured
authorized amount stays unchanged
nothing happens
captured amount increases
additional amount is captured
captured amount decreases
old transaction becomes voided, new transaction is created instead
captured amount stays unchanged
 nothing happens


PayPal PayFlow
Changes made with Order Manager
What happens
authorized amount increases
old transaction is voided, new transaction is created instead
authorized amount decreases
nothing changes, but when invoice is created, correct amount is captured
authorized amount stays unchanged
nothing happens
captured amount increases
old transaction is voided, new transaction is created instead
captured amount decreases
old transaction is voided, new transaction is created instead
captured amount stays unchanged
nothing happens