Product / Feature Request

User Guide

Installation & Permissions

> Select “View Details” to view permissions requested by Product / Feature Request

> Select “Install app” to begin the installation process.

Documentation & Support

> Select "Documentation" to access the application User Guide.

> Select "Support" to access IWD's customer support team.



> Enable application by selecting Yes / No select.  Please note that the application is automatically enabled on the product page.


> In order to relocate the application form to a different place, paste this code to the desired location in the product template file.

> Click "Update Assets" to reinstall application files

Click "Remove Assets" to delete application files from the store.  This would be done prior to removing the entire app from the store.



> Select a form field to make adjustments to the applications general settings.

> Settings include:

> Title - The title of the app as viewed on your website.

> Website URL - The URL of your website.

> Company Name - Company name will appear as the email sender and in the email footer.

> Support Name - Name that will appear on comments from Admin.

> Email From - Emails will be sent to users from this email address. Yahoo accounts are not supported

> Reply to - All email replies will be sent to this email address.

> Post Sorting - Allow users to sort product requests by oldest, newest, most votes and least votes.

> Default Sorting Option - Specify how to sort the posts in your widget.

> Logo - This logo will appear on your emails and verification page.


> Choose between System Notification and Auto-Moderation.

> System Notification - Receive alerts when users submit requests and comments.

> Auto-Moderation - Automatically publish feature requests and comments on website without admin approval.


> Copy the code using the Copy Code button, then paste the code into your HTML where you would like customer’s requests to appear on your website.


> Copy and paste the code into your HTML where you'd like to display the number of reviews, questions and requests for a single product.


> Share posts from Product - Select the product with the posts that you want to display for another product.

Share Posts to Product - Select the product that will display these posts as their own



> Accent Color - Select the color you would like to apply to your buttons.

> Hover Color - Select the color for your buttons while in “hover state”.

Email Notification Design 

> Email Text Color - This color will apply to your email text.

> Email Text Accent Color - This color will apply to your email titles and labels text.

> Email Banner and Button Text Color - This color will apply to your email banner and button text.

> Email Footer Text Color - This color will apply to your email footer text.

> Email Background Color - This color will apply to your email background.

> Email Header Background Color - This color will apply to your email header background.

> Email Banner and Button Background Color - This color will apply to your email banner and button background.

> Email Footer Background Color - This color will apply to your email footer background.

Verification Page

> Choose either a solid color or an image to appear as the background for your verification page.



>Customer requests can be managed by selecting “Requests” from the app menu bar.

>From the “Requests” tab you can view, reply, and edit the status of a request.

> Actions - Admin users can mark a request as Pending, In-Review, Coming
Soon, Completed, deleted, or disapproved.  Deleted requests will only be visible to
admin users.

> View User Contact Information - Select the “mail envelope” icon to view
the name and email address of the customer making the request, as well as the time the request was made.

> Add Reply - Select “Add Reply” to add a reply to the customer request. Replies are visible to shoppers.

> More Replies / Less Replies - Select to view additional or fewer replies.

> Select the product name to be redirected to the corresponding product page on the website.


Managing Replies

> View Replies - Customer and admin replies can be managed by selecting “ Replies” from the app menu bar.

> Actions - Select “Actions” to mark a reply as Approved, Pending, Disapproved, or Deleted.

> Add Reply - Select “Add Reply” to respond to a customer comment or request.

> Select the product name to be redirected to the corresponding product page on the website.


Uninstalling the App

> Select “Product / Feature Request” from your store’s Shopify admin panel.

> Select the trash can icon and follow the pop-up window instructions.  
    > Select Uninstall to remove the app and its data from your store.