Product Reviews for Shopify
Product Reviews
User Guide
Installation & Permissions
> Select “View Details” to view permissions requested by Product Reviews
> Select “Install app” to begin the installation process.

Documentation & Support
> Select "Documentation" to access the application User Guide.
> Select "Support" to access IWD's customer support team.
> Enable application by selecting Yes / No select.
>You can install the Stars Badge by adding this code snippet to your collection/product/search theme files.
>If you want to place the review form in a different place, paste this code to the desired place in the product template file.
> Click "Update Assets" to reinstall application files
> Click "Remove Assets" to delete application files from the store. This would be done prior to removing the entire app from the store.
>Select the boxes where you would like the Stars Badges to be placed on your store.
> Click SAVE to ensure successful edits.
> Select a form field to make adjustments to the applications general settings.
> Settings include:
> Title - The title of the app as viewed on your website.
> Website URL - The URL of your website.
> Company Name - Company name will appear as the email sender and in the email footer.
> Support Name - Name that will appear on comments from Admin.
> Email From - Emails will be sent to users from this email address. Yahoo accounts are not supported
> Reply to - All email replies will be sent to this email address.
> Post Sorting - Allow users to sort product requests by oldest, newest, most votes and least votes.
> Default Sorting Option - Specify how to sort the posts in your widget.
> Logo - This logo will appear on your emails and verification page.
> Choose between System Notification and Auto-Moderation.
> System Notification - Receive alerts when users submit requests and comments.
> Auto-Moderation - Automatically publish feature requests and comments on website without admin approval.
Enable Discounts
> Select “Enable Discounts” to utilize this feature. Once you save your Discount, it will automatically be added to Review Your Recent Purchase emails.
Message for customers
> Enter a message that will be shown to your customers in the email informing them that their review has been approved.
Discount Code
> Enter the discount code that will be used for your customers. Please note that this must be an active discount code in your eCommerce store in order to work.
Discount Amount
> Enter the percent discount your customers will receive if their review is approved.
> Click Upload and select the CSV file of the reviews you want to import. Make sure it is formatted correctly, then click Import.
> Choose to either “Append to existing reviews” or to “Replace the existing reviews.
> Ensure proper formatting and select import.
> Copy the code using the Copy Code button, then paste the code into your HTML where you would like customer’s requests to appear on your website.
> Copy the code below using the Copy Code button, then paste the code into your HTML where you would like to display the number of product reviews, questions and requests for a single product.
> Be sure to click “Save” to ensure any changes made to your settings are saved.
> Share posts from Product - Select the product with the posts that you want to display for another product.
> Share Posts to Product - Select the product that will display these posts as their own
> Accent Color - Select the color you would like to apply to your buttons.
> Hover Color - Select the color for your buttons while in “hover state”.

Email Notification Design
> Email Text Color - This color will apply to your email text.
> Email Text Accent Color - This color will apply to your email titles and labels text.
> Email Banner and Button Text Color - This color will apply to your email banner and button text.
> Email Footer Text Color - This color will apply to your email footer text.
> Email Background Color - This color will apply to your email background.
> Email Header Background Color - This color will apply to your email header background.
> Email Banner and Button Background Color - This color will apply to your email banner and button background.
> Email Footer Background Color - This color will apply to your email footer background.

Verification Page
> Choose either a solid color or an image to appear as the background for your verification page.

>Customer reviews can be managed by selecting “Reviews” from the app menu bar.
>From the “Reviews” tab you can view, reply, and edit the status of a request.
> Actions - Admin users can mark a request as Approved, Pending, Disapproved, Deleted. Deleted requests will only be visible to admin users.
> View User Contact Information - Select the
“mail envelope” icon to view
the name and email address of the customer making the review, as well as the time the request was made.
> Add Reply - Select “Add Reply” to add a reply to the customer review. Reviews are visible to shoppers.
> More Reviews / Less Reviews - Select to view additional or fewer replies.
> Select the product name to be redirected to the corresponding product page on the website.
>From the “Reviews” tab you can view, reply, and edit the status of a request.
> Actions - Admin users can mark a request as Approved, Pending, Disapproved, Deleted. Deleted requests will only be visible to admin users.
> View User Contact Information - Select the
the name and email address of the customer making the review, as well as the time the request was made.
> Add Reply - Select “Add Reply” to add a reply to the customer review. Reviews are visible to shoppers.
> More Reviews / Less Reviews - Select to view additional or fewer replies.
> Select the product name to be redirected to the corresponding product page on the website.

> View Replies - Customer and admin replies can be managed by selecting “ Replies” from the app menu bar.
> Actions - Select “Actions” to mark a reply as Approved, Pending, Disapproved, or Deleted.
> Add Reply - Select “Add Reply” to respond to a customer comment or request.
> Select the product name to be redirected to the corresponding product page on the website.
> Actions - Select “Actions” to mark a reply as Approved, Pending, Disapproved, or Deleted.
> Add Reply - Select “Add Reply” to respond to a customer comment or request.
> Select the product name to be redirected to the corresponding product page on the website.

> Select “Product Reviews” from your store’s Shopify admin panel.
> Select the
trash can icon and follow the pop-up window instructions.
> Select Uninstall to remove the app and its data from your store.

> Select the
> Select Uninstall to remove the app and its data from your store.